He's starting to stay awake more during the day (and night too, unfortunately) and pay attention to things. He's starting to make sounds. It's so cute to see him starting to be more interested in the world rather than sleeping or eating all the time.
The doctor said he should be starting to smile (on purpose) and laugh out loud soon and I can hardly wait. So far all we've seen is him smile when he's sleeping. He's laughed out loud a couple times for me but that was also while he was falling asleep.
Picture time!
Matt was about 4 weeks old. This was the first time he was in the swing without crying the entire time.
Getting ready to head out. I don't remember where we were going but he looked so cute all bundled up I had to get a picture. He was around 4 weeks in this as well.
Taken last night (almost 6 1/2 weeks old). He was a very happy baby so I decided to take lots of pictures last night. As said above, he doesn't smile on purpose yet. So any pictures where it looks like he's smiling it's just good timing with the camera.
I got a picture of his mohawk. I put his hair up in the "mohawk" style so it can actually be seen. I figure this will be good proof that he had a mohawk once he gets old enough to care.
This is my absolute FAVORITE picture. His expression and hair and everything looks to me like he's on some kind of a ride (like a roller coaster) and loving it. In reality he was probably about to spit up or tip over...but the picture is adorable in my opinion.
On a different note, I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans and I'm super excited about that. =D! I've been wearing maternity pants since Matt was born because it hurt to wear pre-pregnancy jeans. Now that I've mostly healed I can go back to normal jeans. It's a good thing too, some of the maternity jeans I was wearing I had to keep pulling up because they're loose now.
I weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant which is pretty impressive especially since I haven't been working out or watching what I eat or anything. Yay!