Friday, November 21, 2008

Well there's not really a whole lot going on now, but I decided I probably ought to make a post.

I'm still in training until December 2. So far it's going pretty good. I get to help people with problems with their alarm system, and when it actually works I feel pretty proud of myself. (There's a few times where it doesn't work and we have to send a tech out.)

Mark has like 2 weeks of school left :D That's pretty exciting. He's already got his schedule set up for next semester and hopefully it'll be less stressful than this one was.

The Kia is in the shop...again X_X. We had it in the shop off and on for almost 2 weeks. It was in there for like 2 days and then we got it back for 2 days and it went back to the shop again yesterday. It was making funny noises. The first time they just did an engine tune up, and then it started making other funny noises. This time it was a broken part in the trans axle (whatever that is...whatever it is, we got the transaxle replaced around this time last year and it wasn't cheap!) But it's going to cost lots less than it did last year...we're just not thrilled about it.

Because the Kia has been in the shop, my car has been driven lots more, and my car is not happy about it. It's started making funny noises too, and I need to get the tires replaced on it...and we have to pay for Mark's tuition next semester (we don't qualify for a grant) by we're trying to hold off as much as possible on things we can so we make sure we've got enough money to cover it all.

Well, that's pretty much the latest. There's nothing really exciting or anything like that going on, except Thanksgiving, which I'm definately ready for :B

1 comment:

Darla said...

Yikes. Car trouble is no fun. I hope nothing major decides to go out on you. Our computers decided to start doing the equivalent of what your cars are doing, so I know how you feel. Cars are just more expensive to repair.