Sunday, April 4, 2010

Planting a garden

Mark and I decided to plant a garden this year...At least as much as we can. Since we live in an apartment we're limited to container gardening. We decided to try planting peas and tomatoes (and some flowers.)

Last Sunday we planted the peas and today I noticed they're starting to sprout. =D!!
I'm so excited to see the sprouts so of course I had to take pictures.

Here is a view of about half the container. If you look closely you can see specks of green.

Here's an up close view.

I can hardly wait to harvest peas! I hope our tomatoes and flowers will start sprouting soon. I love seeing progress especially since this is the first time since we've been married that we tried to plant a garden.

1 comment:

Lynette Hudson said...

I love seeing progress too. If I don't see progress then I'm like 'forget this' xD