We took Lily to the vet on Wednesday because she needed her annual shots...wow, for a couple days you could TELL she wasn't feeling well, thankfully that has passed. It made me feel bad that she wasn't feeling well, because she was fine before going to the vet.
Anyway, when she got back from the vet we gave her a replacement for her new toy (the picture is on another post, but I'll post it again.) She completely finished demolishing it the night before, so it was great time to give her a new one. Here's before and after pics.
She now has a new blue one that looks like the before. She's never demolished it quite that bad before xD. This is the first time the stuffing has actually come out. She's feeling much better now and is thrilled with the replacement. We even bought 2 in case when we move if there aren't any more at the other Wal-Marts, we'll have a backup. It's the only cat toy we've found that she actually likes to play with. She thinks the others are lame.
Other updates, we finally got our couches replaced. This is an update to my post about the downtown KC rant. We got the couches on Saturday (August 16), I have before and after pics of that too (I'm so proud of myself xD)
(Don't mind Lily in this pic, she had no idea what I was doing and was kind of curious why I was standing on the other couch across the room xD)
The pics make the couch covers look like different colors but they're really the color of the smaller one...a greenish tinge instead of cream colored like the big couch pic looks like (The lights made it look like that) I'm not too fond of the color, but couch covers are expensive...to get other ones would probably cost more than what we paid for the couches. (The couches are in pretty good condition under the couch covers, the person we got them from thought the couches were ugly, so she got couch covers) The next time I wash the couch covers I'll have to get a pic of what they look like underneath. I don't think they're too bad, but I like using the couch covers because right now we don't have a kitchen table...so we eat in the living room.
The old couches went to Mark's parent's house. Mark's brother wants the couches but wasn't able to pick them up, so Mark's parents are storing them for him. (Thanks!)
Mark's school is going well. It started almost 2 weeks ago. We took our cars to the auto shop and finally got them tuned up and working how they should be. (I won't go in to how long it took or the price, because that all was a pain x_x, but it's done now, so we're good for now.)
I'm trying to go to the dentist sometime this week or next week to get x-rays for my wisdom teeth to come out before the end of the year. We're hoping that I can get them out September 22...just so that we can be done with it, and since we've got dental insurance, there's no point to keep waiting until rates may increase next year. I need to stop putting it off and find a dentist xD.
I've got lots more cute pics of Lily that I HAVE to put up because they're so cute they need to be shared, so here they come:
She's IN a plastic bag...don't ask me why, she did that on her own xD She climbed in and turned around to stick her head out.
Sleeping on a chair.
Sitting in her shoe box. That's her latest place to sleep or chill.
Trying to sneak into my work stuff. She likes to climb into my bag (the blue one)
Mark was reading and Lily wanted attention. As you can see, she walked over the book so Mark couldn't read without giving her some sort of attention. She also decided to play with his bookmark in the 2nd pic.
1 comment:
Yum-yum had a thing with plastic bags too. I could never leave them on the floor for more than a minute before he'd climb inside. He did the book thing too. I think it's cute.
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