I was packing boxes and Lily decided she wanted to find out what was in this box:
A box that wasn't being used at the moment, so Lily decided it made a great hide out:
This was just cute. She has her paw over her eyes to block out the sun. This picture was taken around 1 PM. xD I couldn't resist adding this picture, because it's so adorable.
Once again, jumping into a box I was in the process of packing:
We had just taken out the gaming stuff (Wii, PS2, etc) and Lily climbed in to see what was going on. I closed the glass because it made a great picture. (That's Mark's hand in the pic.)
She didn't just leave getting in the way for the old apartment. We have some new pics of Lily checking out the new apartment as well.
In this one she was checking out the master bedroom's bath tub. Usually she avoids the bath tub, so I had to get a picture when she willingly went to check it out xD.
We were trying to put like a dust cloth thing over the box spring of our mattress (you can kinda see it in the 2nd pic) and Lily decided to use it as a balance beam or something. We were trying to put the mattress down while Lily was walking over the top of it. In the last pic I ended up just taking her off of it, because she didn't seem to care to get off any time soon on her own. xD.
Now for pics of our new apartment. Sorry about it being so messy, we're still unpacking so there's boxes all over the place.
Maybe I'll post before vs. after pics. That sounds like fun...but it will be a while before I get after pics of some of them because some rooms have a LOT of unpacking that still needs to be done.
Kitchen, before some extra unpacking:
After some unpacking. Still not perfect, but it's definately a start. That door at the end is actually a pantry (it's pretty small.) That's also where Lily's litter box and food stuff is.
I don't have any other before and after pics yet...only before pics. So I'll get those up and post after ones some other time when I get around to it.
This is the storage area...actually, it's the walk-in closet for the 2nd bedroom/office. (We're using it as an office) There's shelves on both sides, but it's kinda hard to see from the picture. I didn't really want to go inside to get pics of both sides.
This is the office picture. As you can see, the computer is set up in the far corner xD. Eventually we'll have all the boxes out of the way. For now this room is mostly furniture. I don't know if we'd be able to put a mattress in here if we did have company. I imagine after we get everything unpacked we'll be doing some rearranging as well.
Bathroom 1. This is the big bathroom, the "public" bathroom as I tend to call it. (AKA, not the master bedroom's bathroom xD)
This is the other part of the big bathroom.
This is our living room and our big screen TV from Mark's parents. (They got a new one and gave us that one over a year ago...we didn't have room in the old apartment to put it. So they stored it for us until we moved.) That's not as cluttered as it was yesterday. We'll be doing some rearranging with this room as well. (That back door goes out to the balcony)
This is the master bedroom's bathroom
This is the bedroom xD. We have A LOT of work to do in here for unpacking. Most of that junk on the floor is bedding, and some boxes, of course.
Dining room AND our dining room TABLE! Woot! I'm so excited to have a table back. this is where most of the boxes got put when they were brought in. So we're slowly working our way through those.
This is in the office. Dave and Darla gave us Yum-Yum's kitty tree when they gave Yum-Yum away. We had it in our old apartment and Lily didn't really care for it. The day we moved it in, she has been sitting on it a lot. I think it helps that there's a window behind it so it's like basking in the sun for her. I'm so glad she's finally using it :) (That door knob in the corner is for the door to the storage space/walk-in closet)
I'm tired of packing and unpacking. But we like the place a whole lot. Sometimes the neighbors are kind of loud, which I'm not fond of...but hopefully it's just a once in a while occurence instead of all the time. Our old apartment, it was almost always loud.
I'm looking forward to this being the last apartment we live in. Hopefully the next time we move it will actually be a house...but we've got quite a bit of time before we need to talk about moving again, thankfully.
Our downstairs neighbor came up on Friday night around 10:30 PM (while we were moving in) and welcomed us to the apartments and introduced herself to us. She's pretty nice and a night owl, just like me and Mark, so it works out. I was kind of impressed. This is the first apartment we've ever lived at that someone actually introduced themselves to us. It was pretty awesome. We also got to meet the mail man. Apparently he's been delivering mail at these apartments for 12 years. He knows a lot about the people who live here, it's kinda interesting to talk to him. You wouldn't think the mail man could find out that much information about people just by delivering their mail xD. Oh well, I think it's cool.
I still have to clean the old apartment and get the keys turned in, and then we're officially moved. I'm hoping to have that finished tomorrow or Tuesday at the absolute latest.
We rented a U-Haul truck to move and I tell you what, the next time we move, we're going to rent a moving truck again. It was so much better than having to load lots of vehicles. Especially since we don't have a truck any more, the U-Haul made it a whole lot easier.
Oh, I almost forgot about the wisdom teeth update. I ended up getting an infection in the lower left socket (infection...not dry socket) It didn't hurt, but there was a horrible-tasting drainage coming from the area. I finally called the dentist back and they had me come in. They drained it and packed it and gave me more antibiotics. 3 days later they removed the packing and that was it. It didn't hurt hardly at all, it was just uncomfortable. I'm glad it's over. Honestly, looking back, getting my wisdom teeth out hurt LESS than getting any other tooth out that I can remember. That's definately nothing I'm going to complain about.
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