Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Downtown KC

Dang I HATE downtown KC.

I was looking at couches on and found some couches in downtown KC I was interested in and went to see them today. I think if anything else is on craigslist in downtown kc, I'll let it pass unless it's something I REALLY need.

I got lost half a dozen times at least. I ended up in Kansas once, and almost in North KC. Goodness sakes, it was ridiculous. The biggest problem is downtown the exits all start with 2, and you have to go with whatever the letter is. THEN, when you actually get to the exit you need, it doesn't even have the exit number on it, it just says EXIT. That's why I took the wrong exit several times and had to try to find a way to turn around...and downtown is like only one-way streets...which sucks when you're trying to turn around x_X. Dang. It sucked. I didn't like downtown before, but now I really don't like it. It's so confusing.

Anyway, on a better note, I decided we're going to get the couches :) now we just need some place to store our current couches, and we're working on that. We're probably going to pick up the couches this Saturday or next Saturday...we'll see.

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