Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mark changed schools. A few weeks ago Mark was getting ready to enroll for fall classes at the community college and found that the classes he needs to take for a networking degree are all offered when he can't take them. He talked to the counselor and the counselor told him that he needs to change what he's going to school for then. (I was like "What!?" when I heard that.)

So we decided it was time to look for a different school. After doing some research I found some info on ITT Tech and filled out a request for more information. Mark got a call the next day and was able to go on a tour and get more information about how it works and if it would be a good fit for our situation. From what we've heard it sounds like it will be excellent. Mark is excited to start classes, which is good, because class starts this Tuesday.

Their semesters aren't like other schools. The classes are year round and last for about 3 months each. The school chooses the classes he needs to take as well as the schedule. They are day time hours and they just tell him what day and time. (They're all finished by 1:30 PM so he will have time to get to work.) Once he gets a degree they'll also help him find a job to use the new degree at. Mark is working on an associates degree, and some of the credits from the MCC may transfer, which is fantastic!

On Thursday (June 10) Mark's left hand pinky finger got smashed at work. We thought it just got bruised because it was black and blue, bleeding slightly, and was pretty swollen. On Friday Mark went to work like normal and it started hurting a lot worse and swelling again so he decided to go to the hospital to get it checked out. After the hospital took x-rays they found he broke the bone in his finger tip. They put it in a splint and told him to tape it to his ring finger. (I didn't take a picture, it's really gross.) Also they are pretty sure the nail is going to fall off in a few days, but it should grow back within a month or so. His finger should heal in a month or so as well.

So Mark gets to start class with a broken finger. Hopefully it heals quickly and correctly.

Our potted plants are not doing well at all. The peas all died. :( (I'm almost embarrassed to post a picture xD!)
I think part of why the peas died is because the roots weren't able to get deep enough...maybe we put too many in the container as well, who knows. Container gardening is harder than it looks. The top soil seemed to help a little bit and then the next time I checked them they were dead. I can't remember if I forgot to water them or what. We decided we're not going to plant a garden again until we have a yard we can plant in.

Well, that's the latest. It seems like a lot has happened these past few weeks. Hopefully it calms down for a while. I honestly don't mind our life being so boring there's nothing worth blogging about :P

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